Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Ideas of parenting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ideas of parenting - Essay Example t children should be left to be with just guidance and not using force to perfect as they are capable of making their own choices and loving them even in adulthood with just the right amount of motivation and guidance and this will build their self-esteem. A Chinese mother controls the lives of her children in every aspect. She acts like a dictator and her parenting style is that of an authoritarian parent. Her children are just supposed to listen and act as they are told and their opinion does not count. In fact according to Chua’s article, children are just supposed to accept everything they are told and not talk back or even question as this leads to negative consequences (Chua, 2011). This is the absolute opposite with the Western mother who lets her children be without using any force on them. Her parenting style can be termed as authoritative and can be compared to a democratic leader who allows the others to make suggestion and just guides them in these decisions or contributes to the ultimate final ruling after negotiations. These children raised by western mothers are allowed to state their opinion, express their likes and dislikes hence coming to a compromise with the parent (Rosin, 2011). Children raised by Chinese parents are not allowed from the word go to be children in the true definition of the term. They are not allowed sleepovers, participate in plays in school, engage in play time with others or even just be allowed to learn from their own mistakes. Their every decision and action is controlled and decided for them by their parent down to the type of musical instrument they will play, what grade they will get and nothing else. These children therefore do not get to develop a positive self-esteem. Some of them later resent their parents for their stolen childhood, they resent the music they were forced to play and even grow up bitter (Chua, 2011). The opposite is true for a western style of parenting. Children are allowed a lot of time to

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